Dear Traders,
We are extremely excited to announce the launch of our Initial Coin Offering (ICO) that’s happening from 15 November to 25 December 2017.
The ICO is the result of 18 years of hard work to make Binary.com an award-winning trading platform. We could not have achieved our success without you, our loyal community of traders, who have supported us on our journey.
What is an ICO?
An ICO is a fundraising method that’s relatively similar to an Initial Public Offering (IPO). The main difference is that, in an ICO, cryptocurrency tokens are issued to investors instead of shares.
In the ICO, we plan to offer up to 10 million ERC20 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain through an open auction on our website.
Why are we doing an ICO?
Since starting in 1999, Binary.com has grown to become one of the world’s leading binary options platforms. The ICO will enable us to raise extra funds to leverage further growth, and let investors share in our success.
How you can benefit from this ICO
By purchasing our securities-backed tokens, you will receive two exclusive tokenholder rights:
  1. You will receive payments equivalent to shareholder dividends
  2. You will have the ability to convert your tokens into Ordinary Shares
After the ICO, you will be able to trade your tokens on the Lykke.com cryptoasset exchange, thus enabling the tokens to potentially increase in value. Lykke is a fintech company that’s building a global blockchain-powered marketplace for securities-linked tokens.
What about risks?
Every investment opportunity comes with risks. To ensure potential investors understand the risks involved in our ICO, we’ve published an Information Memorandum that contains a full disclosure of our financial history and risk factors.
We’ve also received widespread media coverage on our ICO from the likes of LeapRateFinance MagnatesProfitF, and more. Catching up on the latest news related to our ICO will give you different perspectives on our token sale from people who write about ICOs and blockchain technology, day in and day out.
If you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity, then visit our ICO announcement page for more information:


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